Catholic teen fiction at its best

 Do you ever want to read something well written, Catholic, and... exciting, but struggle to find a novel that fits all of these three categories? Some books are well written and exciting, but aren't Catholic; others are Catholic and well written but aren't exciting; or even Catholic and exciting but badly written? 

Well, here I am to introduce to you the author of well written, Catholic, and exciting teen novels! 

I present Susan Peek and her opus!

Susan Peek is writing a series for Catholic teens called God's forgotten friends, lives of little-known saints. 

The series features novels about, you guessed it, little known saints. 

Susan Peek showcases the lives of saints as they truly are! Epic, incredible, and inspiring. 

Her novels include: 

Crusader King: A Novel of Baldwin IV and the Crusades. 

An action-packed, thrilling historical novel about the little-known life of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, the leper Crusader king who despite ascending the throne at only thirteen years old, and his incredibly debilitating disease performed great and heroic deeds in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. An amazing story of courage, loyalty, friendship and unflinching love for God and duty. 

St Magnus: The Last Viking.

Come back in time 900 years, to the fierce and desolate Northern lands, where Norsemen ruled with ax and sword. A dying king, a shocking death-wish, his heirs divided with an oath of blood . . .

​In this fast-paced novel, the conflict unfolds between Magnus Erlendson, a heroic young prince aflame with the love of God, and his outlawed cousin Hakon, who blames Magnus for his banishment from their kingdom. What follows is a tale of betrayal and revenge, bravery and forgiveness, as Magnus seeks to restore his father’s vanquished kingdom to its rightful hands. 

Saint Dymphna of Ireland: The King's Prey.

An insane king. His fleeing daughter. Estranged brothers, with a scarred past, risking everything to save her from a fate worse than death. Toss in a holy priest and a lovable wolfhound, and get ready for a wild race across Ireland! Will Dymphna escape her deranged father and his sinful desires?

(Note: this one is the most mature of all her novels, so it's better for older teens.)

Soldier Surrenders:The Conversion of St Camillus de Lellis. 

Soldiering, gambling, brawling, drinking. As a young man, St. Camillus excelled at them all. Add to that his fiery temper and innate knack for getting into trouble, and Camillus de Lellis seems the last person who could ever achieve holiness! But God had plans for the stubborn young soldier, whether Camillus liked it or not…

Saint Cloud of Gaul: The Prince Who Traded Kingdoms. 

A horrific act of treachery. A hairbreadth escape. A decade of desperate hiding. And an encounter with Christ that changes it all!

When young Prince Cloud, grandson of the mighty King Clovis and heir to the Kingdom of Orleans, is suspiciously summoned to his uncle's castle, little does he know his world is about to implode. Hurled into a life of danger, where his royal identity must remain hidden at all costs, Cloud eventually stumbles upon the only Kingdom worth fighting for.

They sound amazing don't they? And I can confirm they are. And for anyone still unsure my brother's loved them too! 

Susan Peek writes exciting novels filled with spiritual truths that are sure to please. 

My one critique of her books is that some things in her novels are a little modern. Terminology, manner of speaking, attitude, and things like that. But it isn't especially noticeable. Certainly don't let that put you off! 

 Don't hesitate to give these a go when you have a chance, and happy reading! 

Have you read any of these before? Let me know in the comments. 


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