
Showing posts from May, 2024

Go to Joseph: The Story of an Answered Prayer

 J.M.J.  A most blessed (belated) feast of St. Joseph the Worker!  St. Joseph is one of my family's patron saints. A big statue in our living room reminds us daily that he is praying for us daily. Every night after our family rosary, we pray the Litany of St. Joseph asking for his protection, guidance, and our daily needs. We have also consecrated ourselves to him and I am positive that through his prayers, we have been given so much from God!  I enjoy reading stories of answered prayers, so today I present my own St. Joseph answered prayer story.  Three years ago, I was months away from graduating high school. I knew God wanted me to go to college but I also knew I would be responsible for paying my entire tuition. This meant I didn't just want a job to have a responsibility but I NEEDED a job to pay for school. My only job experience was occasional babysitting, and the only childcare job opening was for a summer program leader that I had been rejected twice. How would I ever