New year, new start - personal reflections on 2022 and hope.

 Happy new year everyone!

Personally, I am glad to leave 2022 behind, although a little sad too. It had it's good moments, but all in all it was a hard year for me. 

At the start of last year things went downhill and I went through a hard time basically the whole year. I'm hoping this year will be a new start for me. 

I hope to repeat the good things, a beautiful growing friendship, progress on crafts like knitting, a few wonderful events. 

But there are many more things I hope not to repeat. I'm not going to make a few small resolutions for this new year, I'm going to go for a complete overhaul of my life, and hope I can finally summon up the courage to do it. 

I'm aiming for change in four aspects of my life: 





I have learned quite a lot about myself though, and also about hope. I'm a very hopeful person. Giving up at something goes against the grain for me. I may be hopeless for a short amount of time, but soon enough hope rises again. I marvel at the wonderful tenacity of hope, clinging on, even when the mind advocates despair, and that it would be easier and less painful to give up. 

That is what above all my resolution is for the new year, to hope, even when it is so much easier to not. 

I hope this post isn't too boring or personal to be intersting. What are your new year's resolutions? 

Happy New Year!

God bless. 


  1. A blessed and happy to New Year to you, Elisabeth! I always love reflecting on the my past year and honestly, 2022 was a wonderful year for me as I grew so much in my spiritual life. It was also my last year as a teen, which is a teeny bit sad.

    I love what you wrote about hope. It is so true- hope is truly a gift of positivity. When so many around us can be negative, we must strive to put everything in God's hands. Padre Pio says it the best, "Pray, hope, and don't worry!".

  2. Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you Miss K!
    Mhm, yes I do too, though this year more than most.
    That sounds sad, but also a little bit exciting too. Like most stages of life I suppose, particularly in youth.

    Yes exactly! God bless!

  3. God loves all of us! And I know that it's so hard to hold onto hope sometimes, but there is never a moment where God let's go of your hand or leaves you to walk alone.

    There once was a man who had a dream. He dreamt that he was walking along a shore and that God walked with him. As the man went forward and he looked behind him, he saw the two sets of footprints next to each otherπŸ‘£. Weeks, months, years later, the man struggled and went through some of the hardest moments of his life. During those hard moments, when he looked behind him at the footprints in the sand, he only saw one set of footprints... He asked Our Lord, "My Lord, why was it that you left me to walk alone during the toughest and most hopeless moments in my life? Why is it that I only see one set of footprints during those moments?" Our Lord replied, "My dear, dear child. When you only saw one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you. I love you so very much and would never leave you alone."

    Whenever you have a tough moment this year, remember this story. God will NEVER leave you even if it becomes hard for you to believe and trust in Him. He loves you beyond all your imagining!!!!!

    God Bless you this year and always! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  4. I have heard that story to!


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