Taking a 'How Catholic are you actually" quiz...

 Hello everyone!

So today I'm doing something a bit different and more fun after all the serious content. So I'm going to be taking a 'How Catholic are you' quiz from BuzzFeed, which will be interesting to say the least since I'm not too sure how nuanced BuzzFeed is in their ideas of Catholicism. 

Anyway, enjoy! 

The quiz is from BuzzFeed: 'How Catholic are you actually?' 

"Do you practise what you preach" (seriously overused phrase. Please come up with a new one. )

"Choose all that apply." 

You were baptized ☑ 

An obligation for being a Catholic, so yeah.

You aced Sunday School☒ 

Is it just me, or is Sunday school not a huge Catholic thing? You see BuzzFeed, generally, at least at the more traditional churches, children are present for Mass (unless they have to go to the cry room XD) But... I did go to a sort of weekly catechism on Wednesdays which I did ace, so that kind of counts:-)

You've taught a religious ed class

I'm too young for that yet... But I have helped teach my younger siblings catechism. (Also BuzzFeed, you don't have to teach a religious ed class to be a good Catholic. Not everyone is cut out to teach.)

You're in recovery from going to a Catholic High school

I'm homeschooled, so nope. But I probably would be if I went from how uncatholic it would be. (Again what kind of a question is this. I'm confused.)

You went to a Catholic college 

I'm not old enough to go to college yet, but when I am, probably no. In the UK where I live there are very few Catholic colleges due to the system and lack of Catholics, but overall the universities over here are not nearly as woke as American ones so it's fine. 

Some would say you have a big pretty family but to you it's normal

(Their phrasing not mineXD)

Yes I do! I have seven younger siblings, and yes it's pretty normal to me. But if you don't have a big family that's okay too! God has a plan in how many siblings he gives you! So that is not a judge of your spiritual life at all. It's just BuzzFeed displaying its shallowness for all to see. (And bad grammar.)

Your parents yelled at you for having an Ouija board in the house

What is that?? I have literally no idea. #shelteredhomeschooler   Well, I looked it up and it looks like it's some sort of weird spirits (as in ghosts not alcohol) game. I have no desire to learn more. 

You go to Mass at Easter


You go to Mass at Christmas 


You go to Mass on Sunday


You break out the advent calendar on December 1st

Well, sometimes we're a little late with it, but we do, sooner or laterXD (but again, not a test of your Catholicity. Especially since an Advent calendar is a misnomer since it begins on Dec 1st not the 1st Sunday of Advent.)

Your priest has been over your house for dinner

(As it was written.)


You're familiar with the story of David and Goliath☑

Pretty basic. 

You've referred to someone as the prodigal son

Well, I've caught a lot of references to it in books, and thought about it a bit. But I don't really know any people I could call that... So no. 

You feel guilty if you duck out of Mass after Communion 

So if this means what I think it is then I guess yes. Now I never leave Mass straight away, I spend a few minutes praying, but if I did need to go I would. Especially since, although it's not the right motive, I do sometimes stay a few minutes after Mass partially because of guilt, so yeah. It is important to spend some time praying after you receive Communion because Jesus is present in the host for about fifteen minutes after you consume it, so it's really important to not lose sight of His presence in you. 

You've nodded of during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve

Not since I was a little kid. 

You acquired a taste for red wine as a young kid☒ 

I go to a Latin Mass where the Precious Blood is not distributed to the faithful, so not from that no. 

You've felt the extreme effects of Catholic guilt☒ 

Okay, rant ahead. You have been warned. 

Catholic guilt is a scam! Yes I have felt guilty, but that is because I've done something I am ashamed of. "Catholic guilt" aka your conscience, is a gift not a burden. It is a a great gift from God to help us discern right and wrong and be contrite for our sins. Yes it can be hard or annoying sometimes, but iis not the effect of people and religion shaming you from doing things. So no Buzzfeed, I can't feel the extreme effects of something that doesn't exist. But, have I felt "pangs of conscience"? Yes, I have. 

Now, there is something called scrupulosity which  is when you feel like something is wrong when it's not. That is a different question and is something that many saints suffered from. 

You celebrate All Saints Day after your Halloween candly hangover☒ 

I haven't gone trick or treating in several years, so no hangover. I have been to some All Saints day parties before, but I should celebrate it better. 

You've watched all 127 minutes of  'The Passion of the Christ'☑

Yes I have. 

You've cried through all 127 minutes of 'The Passion of the Christ'☑


(Honestly I've giving up commenting on how these questions are rubbish.)

You don't think it's weird to see people with ashes on their forehead on Ash Wedensday ☑

Nope, totally not weird. (Although admittedly I get self conscious about it.)

You've had your feet washed on Maunday Thursday.☒ 

No, it doesn't often happen at my church, and if it did it would only be men anyway. 

You've acted in a Christmas Pageant☒ 

No, not in a church one. I have with some of my cousins though a long time ago, but I don't think that counts XD

You recieved your First Communion☑

Yes I have. 

You think the Eucharist tastes delicious when you're really hungry☒ 

What kind of a question is that? So weird. 

You have at least one cross that you wear on a chain☑

Crucifix to you. Yes I have one, and a couple medals, the Holy Face and the Miraculous Medal. But the chain broke so I have to put them on a new one. 

You rocked a WWJD bracelet at some point. ☒ 

I assume this means 'what would Jesus do.' No I haven't. It's not really my style. 

You're named after a saint ☑

Yes, sort of. It is a saints name, but I wasn't named especially for the saint. It was for my great grandmother. 

You've survived a whole Good Friday Stations of the Cross service☒ 

Obviously I have since I'm writing this post. Also, while Stations of the Cross is common on Good Friday, the main liturgical function is the Mass of the Pre-sanctified (so called because there is no consecration, so it's not actually a Mass. In fact, it's the only day of the year which doesn't have a Mass.) I personally find the Good Friday 'Mass' incredibly moving. It's one of my favourites of the year. As for Stations of the Cross, I do like saying them, though unfortunatly I do sometimes get bored. My fault not the stations XD. 

You make the sign of the cross when you're nervous☒ 

Not really, though I do say a prayer. 

You make the Sign of the Cross when you pass by a church☑

I always forget, *sigh.* But I do try, so check. 

You make the Sign of the Cross when you want to spread positive energy☒ 

Whaaat?? That is just strange. "Positive energy"? weird. 

You know the difference between transubstanstiation and consubstanstiation☑

I learnt it quite recently. Very interesting stuff. 

You refrain from taking the Lord's name in vain in front of your grandparents☑

(I rephrased this, because I was uncomfortable with how it was before.)

Yes I suppose, but I don't at all anywhere at any time.

You know all eight beatitudes☑

Yes I do. 

You that someday you have to get married even if you don't want to☒ 

But I want to get married XD. And no, you don't have to get married. That attitude is a much more common one among some Protestants. You can become a nun/monk/priest, the highest vocation, or be single in the world. You aren't going to be forced to do anything, just encouraged to follow God's Will. 

You believe in the pearly gates of heaven☑

They're in scripture, so in a certain sense yes, but not necessarily literally. (*sigh* stupid question again.)

You believe in hell☑

Well, I'm not a universalist. 

When it comes to Christmas, I think Jesus is the reason for the season☑

Cringey, but true; it is called Christ-mass after all. 

There's always a nativity scene under your Christmas tree☑

Not under it, though we have one set up somewhere else. So specific.

You have something blessed by the Pope☑

We have something blessed by Pope Benedict (may he rest in peace.)

You've been to a Mass said by the Pope☒ 


You've met your bishop☒ 

I've seen him before, but I don't think I've met him. I've met other bishops though.

You reacieved Confirmation☑


You took a saint's name for your Confirmation name☑

You have to, so yes. 

You got marreid in a Catholic Church☒ 

Not yet XD, but if I do, it will be in a Catholic Church

You've seen 'Jesus Christ Superstar.'☒ 

No. It sounds weird and bordering on blasphemous.

You've seen Godspell☒ 


You've seen Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat☒ 

No. (What kind of questions are these anyway? These aren't Catholic movies.)

You own a copy of the Bible☑


You keep a copy of the bible next to your bed☑

Sort of. But only because I usually don't put it away after reading it. 

There are a set of rosary beads hanging in your car☒ 

No, but only becuase my family doesn't have a car.

You know the order of the prayers of the rosary by heart☑


You say the entire rosary every night☒ 

I try to every day, but I've not been very consistent lately. And it doesn't have to be at night. 

You say grace before you take a bite of your dinner☑

Yes, unless I forget.

You sit in the back of the church when you arrive late to Mass☑

I guess? Maybe towards the back. I certianly try not to disturb anyone.  

You've had a crush on someone who decided to take holy orders or join a religious order☒ 

Not really, no. Although I do know some young men who joined or are joining seminary. I didn't know any of them well enough for anything to develop. 

You've though about taking holy orders or joining a religious order☑

I little, yes. But I am pretty sure I'm not called to be a nun. 

You've taken holy orders or joined a religious order☒ 


You know the Hail Mary backwards and forwards☑

Well certainly forwards, but backwards... 

You can recite the Lord's prayer in your sleep☑

I know it well, yes. 

You don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent☑

I don't eat meat on any Fridays, (except the Friday in the Octave of Easter.) 

You give up a bad habit during Lent☑

I try... 

And you feel guilty when you cheat during Lent☒ 

Cheat on what? I'd feel guilty when I cheated whenever. 

You pray to St Anthony when you lose something☑

All. The. Time. (Literally). 

You pray to St Jude when you're in a desperate situation

Not much, but I should more. (My 'desperate situations' are often when I lose something, so it's St Anthony for me.)

You wear a St Christopher medal when you travel☒ 

No, but sometimes I say a prayer to him. 

You've had enough lectures about abstinence to last you a lifetime☒ 

Actually no. I can decide things like that for myself without lectures. I'm more likely to lecture myself XD. 

You're lazy on Sundays☑

I kind of am... I really need to spend more time on religious observances on Sunday though. Onme of the many things I need to improve on. 

You know all ten commandments by heart☑


You get excited to put money in the collection basket during Mass☒ 

What am I , five? 

You've explained the catechism to someone☑

To my younger siblings frequently. They ask some interesting questions. 

You know all three parts of the Holy Trinity☑

That's very basic. I would be horrified if a Catholic didn't know. 

You were created from a rib☑

Well, the original woman was, but I'm not sure later women were exactly... But taking it the way they want you to, yes. (Although that doesn't change if you are a Catholic woman or not.)

One of your parents embarrassingly taught your CCD class☑

Well my mother taught me catechism... Though not embarrasingly. Also I'm homeschooled so... yes? 

You've completed or plan on completing Pre-Cana☒ 


You survived Vacation Bible School☒ 

Never been to one. Although I do go to a Catholic Summer School which is amazing. 

You've made a cross out of palms on Palm Sunday☑

A long time ago I think. 

You think you're a pretty pious person☒ 

What kind of a question is that? No, I don't actually. 

You spent time as an altar server☒ 

I'm a girl, so no. (If anyone's interested I could write a post on why I think girls shouldnn't be altar servers.)

You get excited when the priest blesses the congragation with water and it acutally touches you☑

I do in fact XD. Especially since I'm usually on one of the side pews.

You sing along when you hear the Ave Maria☑

I do, but I sing along to anything I know at all. 

You've been to confession☑

That's kind of a requirement for being a Catholic... Unless I'm under seven.

You've been nervous to go to confession☑

Who hasn't? 

You know when to stand, kneel, or sit during Mass without someone telling you☑

I do. 

You have a great appreciation for stained glass windows☑

I do.  They're so beautiful *heart eyes*

You've zoned out during Mass staring at stained glass windows☑

I have... *guilty look* (although my Church unfortunatly doesn't have stained glass windows so only when I'm visting somewhere else.)

You don't think creationism is actually that far fetched☒ 

This is a many layered discussion I don't have space for here. But I do think that God created everything. (Of course.) So yes I guess? The way he did exactly is a matter of debate. 

You've been to the Vatican☒ 


You watch Mass on TV if you can't make it to Church☑

I did during lockdown. (But remember, watching it online is not the same, and doesn't fufill the obligation.)

You've read the Da Vinci Code☒ 

That horror of a book *shudders*. I would be ashamed of myself if I had. That book is violently anti-Catholic. 

Your favourite quotes are all Bible verses☒ 

I have lots of quotes I like from the bible, but there are a lot of other quotes I like too. 

You keep Holy Water in your home☑

Generally yes. 

You have an account on Catholic match☒ 

No. I'm not ready to start dating quite yet, and even if I was I don't like the idea nof meeting someone online. 

You met yout significant other on Catholic match☒ 

Obviously not. 

You'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints☒ 

This question is wrong on so many levels. Saints are happier than sinners. Sin never makes anyone truly happy. Also, we can just look at saints like the patron of this blog Bl Pier Giorgio, or St Philip Neri, or others for evidence of how joyful the saints were. Further, I believe your score is higher the more you check, so how messed up is this? 

"May God Bless you. The Mass has ended. Go in peace," are your favourite words to hear on Sunday. ☒ 

Disgraceful. Just disgraceful. 

You try your best to be a good Samaritan☑

I fail miserably though. 

You live your life according to the golden rule☒ 

Sorry to burst your bubble, Buzzfeed, but the golden rule is kind of the secularisation of Catholic charity. 

So no. I live my life according to the Gospel and the Church. Not the golden rule. 

And at last I'm done! 

I checked 54/100. 

And I got... *drumroll please*

Committed Catholic! You are very familiar with the cultures and traditions of the church and probably show up to church on most major holidays (though not, ya know, religiously). You know the major hymns, the major prayers, and you have a taste for holy wafers.

That's what qualifies as a committed Catholic? This is so embarrassing.  That is a bad Catholic in my book. (Also, I did check them all to see what I would get and it was 'expert Catholic.' How awful.)

After this, Buzzfeed is officially cancelled. 

(Appropriately the image Buzzfeed had on the post is not available anymoreXD)

This post took me months to put together because it has 100 questions (why couldn't I pick a shorter quiz???) so if you do end up taking this monstrosity, let me know what you got in the comments. 

God bless!


  1. Thank you!!!!

  2. Also I think that a post on why girls can't be alter servers would be interesting. At my home parish girls aren't allowed to be servers anyway, but it would be interesting to know why.

  3. Although girls aren't allowed to serve at my perish either, but i still think an article on that would be interesting.


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