Eucharistic Adoration Will Change You!


A most blessed and holy Eastertide to all my dear friends! Christ is truly risen! Let us rejoice! In all the busyness of the world, I wanted to share a way of prayer that has a special place in my heart. It's hard not to get caught up in the ways of the world, especially now that Easter is "over" in the secular world. For us Catholics though, celebrating Christ's resurrection has just begun! 

Now, on to the topic of prayer

My favorite type of prayer is mental prayer in the presence of the Eucharist, either in a quiet church or in a Eucharistic Adoration chapel. There's Something so beautiful about being in a small chapel with Our Lord, all alone. Just me and Our Lord. And being only a foot away from the monstrance...words do not explain the beauty..


My teenage self, however, would tell you different. I used to absolutely hate silence. (Yes, this is coming from a girl about to live the rest of her life in silence with only 45 minutes a day for free talk.) Growing up in a noisy house with eight siblings makes enduring silence tough. God works in mysterious ways, though. He wanted me to embrace the silence; to LOVE the silence; to call me to my vocation through SILENCE. Two years ago, I began attending Eucharistic Adoration on a weekly basis. Now, I yearn for as much silence as big family life will give me. 

It all started during my first year of college. I was commuting an hour to and from school and didn't have the chance to go to daily Mass. All through the craziness of college, God kept knocking at the door of my heart to invite me to a greater prayer life. One day, my pastor announced a 40-hour exposition for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The decision from the Supreme Court wouldn't be made until the next summer, but he wanted as many adorers as possible. I went for a 20-minute period. Being with Our Lord for 20 minutes was the shortest 20-minutes of my life! My soul was filled with much peace. I had a big paper to write and an exam to study for, but I had taken time to be with Him, truly present. 

Those 20-minutes once a week slowly turned into bi-weekly...those 20-minutes turned into a full wasn't commute to college involved a stop at the Eucharistic Adoration chapel before arriving to campus...until finally I was blessed with a job that allows me to attend every day and to bring my students on a weekly basis. Each time I visit Our Lord, my heart thirsts for His True Love. Nothing can nourish my soul more than spending this daily hour with Him! 

In my experience, Eucharistic Adoration has been that of a magnet. As St. Peter Julian Eymard said, "The Eucharist, behold the Christian's treasure, his delight on earth. Since Jesus is in the Eucharist for him personally, his whole life ought to be drawn to it like a magnet to its center". As I began to increase my time in His Presence, I developed this longing to remain forever united with Him. Honestly, some days I was almost late to class because I was given this unexplainable peace in my soul. It was always difficult for me to leave Him, knowing He deserves so much more than the world gives to Him. 

Jesus remains locked in a tabernacle, as a Prisoner of Love, for YOU my dear reader. For YOU alone. He died just for YOU. Could we not show Him more love? Visit Him for 5-minutes every single day and I guarantee God will take that 5-minutes and change in into longer visits. Try it today! 

God bless you all! 

How has your Easter been? Have you ever attended Eucharistic Adoration? If so, do you have any powerful moments you have received from Our Lord? 


  1. This is a great and very helpful post! I just want to know so that way I can pray for you, but when will you be entering a convent?

    1. I am glad it was helpful! I will be entering on June 9, the feast of Our Lady of Divine Grace and one of the community's patron. Thank you for the prayers! I will be praying for you as well.


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